Monday, October 17, 2016

{Fall Home Tour}

Hey y'all!  Even though it doesn't even remotely feel like Fall here in Texas, I thought I would share my Fall Home Tour with y'all...cause you know I'll be decorating for Christmas soon. Just kidding.  Maybe. 

Welcome!  I have to admit, I am loving my front porch this year. 
I don't go overboard with Fall decor inside, just little pops of orange here & there.
My sweet niece left a message on my chalkboard. =)
My other favorite part is most definitely my dining table.  Since everyone uses the bar & rarely sits at the table, I am able to leave it "set" all the time & I LOVE it!  I started decorating it last Christmas & now I do it for every holiday.
I kept my mantel relatively simple for Fall because I knew I would change it up for Halloween.  Everything else stays as is, but the mantel got a Halloween makeover. =)
And here it is now for Halloween!  I was loving all the bats I was seeing on Instagram, and seeing as though I am not crafty - I was thrilled when I found these on sale for $3.99 at Michael's this weekend!
That's it!  Fairly simple.  While I enjoy decorating for Fall, I absolutely LOVE Christmas.  I am definitely counting down the days to Christmas lights, Christmas trees, & most importantly - Hallmark Christmas movies!! =)

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