Thursday, June 9, 2016

{SUYL Home Tour: Living Rooms}

I am so excited that I finally have a house AND a blog so I can link of with Kelly's Korner for her Show Us Your Life Home Tour.  This week is living rooms!  

I have been in my house for almost a year & a half and my style is constantly changing.  I will admit that I have jumped on board the farmhouse/shiplap/Fixer Upper train lately and have been adding touches here & there.  When we went to Magnolia Market in May, I fell in love with all of Joanna's black, white & wood.  I will definitely be incorporating more of that in my house.  

My living room is one room in my house I'm not "loving" right now.  It needs something...I'm just not sure what yet.  It's just sorta "blah". =)  I'll be wrapping up my office/guestroom and master bedroom mini-makeovers soon so next I will turning my attention to my living room.

But, here it is now!
One thing I love about my new house is that it is open concept.  The living room, kitchen & breakfast room are all open to each other.  It's perfect for entertaining.
My fireplace was a "splurge" but I loved how it turned out.  The white rock is my fav!  And the mantel is perfect for decorating for all the holidays {it's red, white & blue from Memorial Day to 4th of July}. 
I have a little bar cart for entertaining and the dresser was a thrift store find that I redid.  I love having all the extra storage for DVD's, table linens, etc.  
And my curtains?  They are $10 twin sized sheets from Target!  Perfect, no sew white curtains on a budget!!
Oh & my Diet Coke + Jesus coasters...aren't they the cutest?! =) They are from the Freckled Goose.
I would love to say my living room was pretty & clean like this all the time, but this little 4-legged cutie kinda rules the roost around here.  I am not sure why I ever thought dark floors & a navy couch were a good idea with a light-haired dog that sheds like CRAZY!! {it's a REALLY good thing you can't zoom in too close on the pictures.  Just sayin'.}  Normally there is a blanket covering the couch & a rug full of dog toys & bones...but I wouldn't have it any other way!  Because seriously - how could I ever get mad at that face?! =)
Thanks for stopping by...come back next week for a tour of my dining room!  Be sure & follow my new Instagram account - faithfootballandfairytales.

(I'm also linking up with Stacey at Poofing the Pillows for Thoughts of Home on Thursday.)


  1. I love your navy blue couches and the dresser. Very pretty living room!

  2. Love those coasters, I need some!

  3. Very nice, I like how light and "airie" it is.

  4. Great idea on the curtains.

  5. Oops...forgot to add that I love the dresser you redid for under your t.v. And the sheets for curtains are a great idea. I once used fabric shower curtains for curtains!

  6. Those coasters are adorable!!! Love your fireplace. And that is one cute doggie. :)

  7. I'm stopping by from the link up--I LOVE your curtain hack! I'm going to have to show that to my mom because she is in need of curtains for all of her windows but doesn't want to spend mega bucks! Your dog is an added bonus too!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

    1. The curtains were super simple! I just folded over the top, pinched a double pleat & then used the ring clips (also from target). I cut one twin into 2 panels. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love your Texas living room! The white limestone is perfect on the fireplace and the way you layered everything draws your eyes right up. That accent chair is fun. The dog rules our house too and she also seriously adds to the amount of sweeping and dusting I have to do.

    We'd love for you to join us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday this week. :)

    1. Thank you very much! And I will be sure & link up on Thursday. =) Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Casey I think your living room is perfect just the way it is. I love so many things about it..the coaster, the fireplace and mantel, blue sofa with the print chair, not to mention the pretty curtains. I would have NEVER known they were twin sheets. Great job!

  10. Your living room is great. The only change I will do is add color. Add red cushions, flowers and maybe mix the frames colors (navy, red, white and grey).

  11. Casey- it is always special to meet another Texas blogger and I am a new follower. I live in South Texas and my blog is White Spray Paint.
    Thank you for joining us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.
    Your living room is lovely !

  12. So glad you joined us with your beautiful living room. :)

