Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Today I turn 37.
3 years from 40. 
1 year from my 20 year high school reunion.
7 months from my 20 year anniversary at my Blue Bell {that’s over ½ my life!!}.

When I was 17, I never really thought about “where I wanted to be in 20 years”.  At the time, I was having the time of my life & didn’t look ahead to the future.  My high school years were the best.  I lived in the moment.  

Then before I knew it, I was 22 & graduating from college.  I blinked & I was 30.  I had built my first house & was finally living on my own…I was a “real” grownup. A few years passed & I sold my first house and built my second.  Not too shabby for a single girl if I do say so myself. 

And then I blinked again & I'm 3 years from 40.  But hey - 40 is the new 30, right?!
If I would have “guessed” at 17, or even 27, what my life would be like at 37 – I probably would have told you that I would still be living in Brenham, working at Blue Bell.  I am a creature of habit & don’t like change – so that part was easy.  I would have guessed married with 2 or 3 kids.  

Well, I was half right.  Do I want to get married & have kids?  Absolutely.  It's my greatest wish.  But, I'm not going to stop living life because it hasn't happened yet.  Yes, I admit - in my early 30's, panic set in & I  freaked.out because I wasn't married yet.  But, a few years ago, something changed & I was at peace with it.  I am a firm believer in God's timing is perfect in everything & when the time is right - it will happen.  I don't go around begging my friends to set me up {&that's not what this is about, so don't even think about it =)} & it's not something I go around making the topic of every conversation.  It's a part of me, but it doesn't define me. 
Regardless of where the next 37 years {and hopefully more!!} of my life take me, single or married, I want to enjoy life. I want to continue to travel, spend time with my family & friends, be a mommy to Nola, volunteer & be on committees, be the person others can depend on & who knows - maybe build a 3rd house! =)  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it should be all sunshine & roses.  Difficulties & tough times help shape who I am.  Last year is proof of that.  And I know more of those will come along as well....and I will deal with them & they will change me & make a different person just like they were meant to do.  

 So, Happy 37th Birthday to me! The best is yet to come...that I am certain of.

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