Friday, January 18, 2019

{Life Lately}

Hey y'all!  Just rockin' & rollin' through's halfway over already!  I'll be putting my pumpkins back up before you know it. Ha!  I kid! I kid! =)

It's been a pretty uneventful month so far...but here's a little peek at what I've been up to...

The weather has been more like spring instead of winter so we've been going on lots of walks.  Nola has been in Heaven of course because walking is her absolute favorite thing to do.
Last Thursday the City of Brenham hosted a town hall meeting about the future of our city.  A little sad to see that we haven't grown anymore than we have in the past 18+ years....cause it shattered my dreams of ever getting a Target.  Sad, sad day for sure.
After a trip to Houston last Saturday morning, I got to spend the evening with this cutie!
I've also been working on a few little DIY projects...I get bored with things easily so I love making little inexpensive changes...stay tuned - I'll share the finished results soon!
And, I finally made it to one of Mason's basketball games last night!
This weekend is the annual Uptown Swirl in downtown Brenham.  We are expected to get a pretty strong cold front tonight so we might be a little chilly...but it's much needed after this week.  Just sayin.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling about living in a small town that just won't get big enough for a Target, it's quite painful actually. :(
