Monday, March 25, 2019

{Weekend Recap: Happy Bday Bo!}

Well where the heck did that weekend go?!  Pretty sure I blinked & it was Monday again.  Ugh. 

Last week, I discovered that I had a mouse on my back porch/under my deck. Y'all - I DON'T do mice.  I killed that coral snake, no problem.  But a mouse is a big no for me.  I sat out traps & when I hadn't caught it a few days later - I figured that maybe it had moved on.  No such luck...I woke up Friday morning to find it caught in a sticky trap. I asked my yard guys & my brother to come by and throw it away, but guess who ended up having to do it?!  I'm pretty sure I was sweating & about to pass out.  
Needless to say, all that called for a girl's night that involved margaritas & Mexican food...always a favorite!
Saturday we celebrated Bo's 2nd birthday with a party at Colby & Jodie's house....I think it's safe to say he had a great day!
Sunday was church, a meeting, the grocery store & then I spent the afternoon working on a little project...stay tuned!!