Thursday, December 8, 2016

{Life Lately}

Winter has arrived in Texas!!  Well, for 2 days at least.  I am ignoring the fact that it's supposed to be in the 70's by Sunday.  Tonight will be a taco soup & fireplace night for sure!

Here's a little look at life lately...

Last Thursday, I helped host a shower at my house for a co-worker's daughter.  We invited 34 & 31 came...needless to say, it was definitely a success!  I stressed all week about my house being too small & it was "cozy" at times but it all worked out.  I think everyone had a great time & Kacey got lots of fabulous gifts.  We did a "deck the halls" Christmas shower for her so she got all sorts of Christmas goodies.
It rained most of the weekend so I decided to make a quick trip to College Station Saturday morning to finish Christmas shopping. Saturday night I wrapped {which Nola did not find at all entertaining}.  Y'all - for the first time in my life - I am DONE shopping almost 3 weeks before Christmas. It's a Christmas miracle for sure.  Gift buying stresses me big time so let me tell you how good it feels to not have to stress over it anymore!  No second guessing what I bought.  Everything is wrapped & under the going back!
Sunday was church, a band concert for Mason, lunch & the grocery store.  And more rain.  Once I finally got home late that afternoon, I put on my pj's, Hallmark Christmas movies & attempted to make homemade potato soup for the first time...which turned out REALLY good I might add!
Monday evening a group of ladies I work with & I went to a beginner's cookie decorating class.  The cookies were baked & the icing was made, but they showed you piping techniques, etc.  I learned a few things & we had a blast! {& yes, we went for margaritas beforehand...figured it might help get our creative juices flowing}
I picked up my favorite girl after school on Tuesday & we spent the evening decorating a gingerbread house.  She did almost all of it {including the piping} all by herself & it turned out GREAT!
That's life lately!  


  1. You've been a busy lil bee! I love potato soup, it's one of our favorites at my house. :)

    Have a great weekend, Casey!

  2. I love taco soup! I actually bought all the ingredients tonight at the grocery to make some this week :).
